R for Data Science Learning Circle, Part 1

A gentle introduction to R and data science from data visualization to data transformation

This learning circle co-organized with P2PU and BosLab will use the free R for Data Science book by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund and the community-contributed R for Data Science Exercise Solutions book by Jeffrey Arnold. We will cover chapters 1-5 and learn basic approaches to visualize and transform data.


To join this learning circle, sign-up on the P2PU website is mandatory. The sign-up form is here. Each meeting will build on the previous ones, so participants are asked to attend every meeting or work on their own the sections they may miss.


This learning circle meets every Wednesday from 7 pm to 9 pm EST starting March 3, 2021, for 6 weeks.


We will meet on Zoom. The link will be sent by email after you sign up on the P2PU website.


Prior experience in programming or data science is not required. However, you should have R and RStudio installed on your computer before the first meeting. Instructions to install R and RStudio can be found here. If you have difficulties installing R and RStudio, please email me at sebastien.vigneau[AT]gmail.com.

What we will do

The first hour of each meeting will consist of an interactive lecture with live coding and exercise breaks. The second hour will consist of facilitated small-group work on the exercises from the book. Experienced R programmers or data scientists are welcome to join any of these segments to help out more novice participants.

Course material we will use

R for Data Science teaches how to do data science with R. Chapters cover how to import, tidy, transform, visualize, model, and communicate data. The general philosophy is to teach the most useful skills first, using an abundance of examples and exercises. Solutions to the exercises can be found in a community-contributed solution book by Jeffrey Arnold.